Stretching Services
1-on-1 Stretching
In-Call (West Adams)
$80/60 min
$50/30 min
Out-Call (Los Angeles Area)
$120/60 min
PACKAGE DEALS: order 10 or more stretches in your home or for your partner, roommate, friends or family and receive 20% off!
A personalized, relieving and stress-releasing full body stretch that takes your personal regime (or lack thereof) to the next level. Stretching is excellent for unwinding after a workout, lengthening after long car trips or flights, to reduce back, neck, or hip pain or to reduce the stress of rough weeks sitting behind the desk. These customized sessions will leave you more flexible and feeling your finest.

Personal Training Services
1-on-1 Session
In-Gym (Koreatown)
$80/60 min
In-Home (Los Angeles Area)
$110/60 min
PACKAGE DEALS: order 10 or more workouts in your home or for your partner, roommate, friends or family and receive 20% off!
A personalized & invigorating full-body workout inspirited by gymnastics, ballet, pilates and weight training. Utilizing both equipment, weights and body weight, you will be challenged from the core, out, focusing in on problematic areas and toning muscle groups to allow for easier body access, motion and overall performance.